Yale University's History Department also lead an important academic trend. 耶鲁大学历史系同样引领着重要的学术潮流。历史学家C。
The history department has five lecturers and one professor. 历史系有五位讲师和一位教授。
The history department is part of the College of Arts and Sciences. 历史系是文理学院的一部份。
OBJECTIVE: To discuss the necessity of establishing extended medicine history in oncology department. 前言:目的:探讨在肿瘤内科建立拓展型药历的必要性。
Objective: To find out the main defects and introduce corresponding solutions in nursing records of filed medical history in department of pediatrics so as to improve the quality of nursing. 前言:目的:找出儿科归档病历中护理记录存在主要共同问题,针对问题提出应对方法,进一步提高护理质量。
The most mysterious department in the history is the department concerned. 史上最神秘的部门就是&有关部门。
I am Janos Pekmester, assistant professor in the medieval history department at the University of Alba Iula. 我是亚诺斯·佩克梅斯特,艾尔巴尤拉大学中世纪史系助教。
Lu Tzu-hsiao of the History Department had paid him a very cordial, neighborly visit, so one afternoon Hung-chien returned the call. 历史系的陆子潇曾作敦交睦邻的拜访,所以一天下午鸿渐去回看他。
Xiao Zhiwei is an associate professor in the History Department at California State University, San Marcos. 萧知纬,现任加州州立大学圣马科斯分校历史系副教授。
Her father worked in Chicago University, teaching history department students. 她的父亲在芝加哥大学工作,教授历史。
Current Situation Research for Students History Studying in the 4th Education Department of PuDong New Area 上海市浦东新区第四教育署学生历史学习现状调查研究
This week, we have invited Professor Tai Pao-tsun from the history department at National Central University to tell us about this legendary figure in Taiwanese history. 本周邀请中央大学历史系教授戴宝村执笔畅谈这位台湾历史中的传奇人物。
You're the right guy precisely because of your history with the department. 正是因为你和局里的关系,你才是最合适的人选。
Tzu-hsiao is the star professor in the History Department, so of course he's no little imp. 子潇是历史系的台柱教授,当然不算小鬼。
There are twenty graduate students in the history department this year. 今年历史系有二十名研究生。
The research on the quality control of the nursing case history of the patients in Psychiatric Department 精神科出院护理病历质量控制措施探讨
Later, Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi, Old Tang book Yi Wen Zhi, new book of Tang Yi Wen Zhi and other historical books, all ranked shanhaiching as the history of the Department of geography. 后来的《隋书·经籍志》、《旧唐书·艺文志》、《新唐书·艺文志》等史书都把《山海经》列入史部地理类。
The wife of Mr. Han, who is the chairman of the History Department. I've never seen her, but Miss Fan says she's so thin she's nothing but bones and very ugly. 历史系主任韩先生的太太,我也没有见过,听范小姐说,瘦得全身是骨头,难看得很。
The essay surveyed the building and function, history, librarian and department, enterprising and developing of our library. 概述了山东电力研究院图书馆的建筑与功能、馆史沿革、人员与机构、创新与发展等情况。
Instead of transplanting national literary history in the department of foreign languages, an effective resolution to this challenge is to substitute this course with the history of Chinese translation literature. 改革的思路就是用中国翻译文学史来改造外国文学史课程,而不能将外语系的国别文学史照搬和移植到中文系来。
Conveyance and Indigenization of Catholicism in Qing Dynasty in Fujian History Department of Minjiang College 清宗室苏努举家信奉天主教清代福建天主教的传播与本土化
This text analyses thorough and at large the history and actuality of the department of seafarers management, company, seafarers& seafarers management, advanced the changeover of the mode of seafarers 'management from the simple and static management mode to dynamic. 本文对船员管理部门、公司、船员及船员管理的历史和现状作了深入详尽的分析,提出船员管理的模式将从简单的静态的管理模式向系统的动态的管理模式转变。
The Research of History Department of Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu 《四库全书总目》史部研究
This article recalled the history and development of Architecture Department at University of Pennsylvania since one hundred yeas ago. 该文追溯了美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑系百年来的发展。
Depending on the Yin Shang culture research, the History Department in Anyang Teachers 'College has a special advantage in the important subject construction& the Chinese Ancient History. 安阳师范学院历史系以殷商文化研究为依托,在中国古代史重点学科建设中有独特优势。
The history of Department of Physics& Chemistry of the Science Institute of West China 中国西部科学院理化研究所始末
Although multimedia teaching software has been widely used in the basic courses of Politics and History Department, there are still some problems to be concerned in actual application of these software. 当前多媒体教学手段在两课教学中广泛运用,但在教学实践中还存在一些问题。
History Society of Yenching University was a research organization of teachers and students from History Department of Yenching University. 燕大历史学会是燕京大学历史学系师生共同参与组织的史学研究组织,与燕大历史学系相表里。
Setting Up Cultural Tourism Speciality in History Department: Practice and Reflections 历史系设置文化旅游专业的实践与思考